Marle Women is a series that delves into the lives of inspiring women. Through thoughtful and intimate conversations, we uncover the unique journeys and perspectives that shape their stories.
In our latest edition, we speak to Newcastle artist Giorgia Bel whose childhood immersed in nature has led to a painting style synonymous with the Australian landscape.
"The land just brings peace and joy to me like nothing else."
Here, Giorgia shares her instinctual journey into the arts, a little bit about her current exhibition and why the in-between is perhaps the best season of them all.

Hi Giorgia, please share a little about yourself, your upbringing and any defining moments that lead you to where you are today?
I grew up on the outskirts of Newcastle on eight acres with my three siblings, mum and dad. We had many animals throughout my childhood and I think this is where my love for the bush began. A lot of our land was dense bushland with creeks and streams running through it. I would make up stories and we would go into the bush after school most days, disappearing for hours sometimes and coming back for homework and dinner, sharing our adventures. This is a really fond memory of that time and place.
I moved to Sydney in my young adulthood and learnt about art, design and worked within some really cool spaces. I did always find myself retreating home or to the Blue Mountains for a walk in the bush though.
And then life called me home to Newcastle where I decided to throw myself mostly into painting the land and this practice really chose me.
I was kind of forced into rest in my mid 20’s due to some ill health and this is where painting became a great love of mine.
So I think that growing up with the bushland on my doorstep, a love for design, colour and art, and then the unfortunate but life changing event of becoming ill for a season brought me to this place now. Coming through illness and knowing how much painting little trees made me glad despite the circumstances (without any thought that this might develop into a new path for my life) is a really special part of my life journey to date.
Your work is recognisable by its subdued palette and gestural mark making reminiscent of the Australian landscape. What are the stories you hope to tell in your work?
The land just brings peace and joy to me like nothing else. It’s also quite nostalgic to me and full of memories of growing up on land, and often going away to camp in many different areas with my family. My hope is that some of how the land makes me feel comes through in my work. I always write about the work I release also as this gives a bit of insight into what I feel and image for the series at hand.
You have a new exhibition at Gallery Jones in Victoria - congratulations! Which of the pieces is your favourite and why?
Thank you! Yes, one of the last releases of work I will share before I go onto maternity leave for a little while. I feel like this series of just 9 artworks was a little different to previous work. 'Came Together' I really enjoy. The colours are new and I painted it with not much in my mind except a real excitement to introduce my unborn child soon enough to the beauty that I see in creation.

Tell us about where you create and how this inspires your practice?
I used to have a studio in my backyard, but this last year my husband and I moved house.I have a sunroom that is really beautifully lit that I have been painting in - but there is also a huge patio on the back of our house where I have set up all my paints and easel and painting here has been lovely. My great grandad’s settee within sight and my Greyhound Cash laying on it watching me… It’s been a really relaxing space.
Do you have any daily rituals that you swear by?
Not in a big, big way but I always start my day with a coffee and a 500ml jar of water with apple cider vinegar and lemon. I just started doing this in my mid 20’s and I don’t think I’ve gone a day without it since. There is also not a day that I don’t go through some of the blessings in my life and give thanks.
How would you describe your personal style and how has this evolved over the years?
I think I used to buy more ‘for the moment’, and didn’t often think about the longevity of the pieces I bought. I like to buy less, and be able to wear it over and over in more ways than one (hopefully). My style has become more minimalistic over the years.
Marle is designed to add effortless ease to a woman’s wardrobe - how does wearing Marle make you feel?
I have some beautiful Marle pieces. The quality and fabrics are beautiful. I feel well-dressed and always comfortable in Marle.
Right now in my 33 week stage of my pregnancy, I’ll be honest - it’s a little hard to feel comfortable at all, but the knits particularly that I have from Marle have made me feel good.

What is your most treasured object and why?
My husband and I recently got married. My wedding rings are incredibly special to me. I also have a couple very special pieces of jewellery and furniture from my grandparents' and great grandparents that have been passed down to me. Favourite home cooked meal? I’ve always really loved hearty winter soups. A good curried pumpkin soup or a pea and ham. I’m a bit simple that way! I am half Polish, and I do love all of our traditional foods. If you haven’t eaten food from Poland, you really should! Favourite thing to wear? This is hard. I don’t know if I really have a favourite thing, but I do love natural fibres and I love wearing silk. Spring/Summer or Autumn/ Winter? I do love the layering and cosiness of winter, and summer is energetic and I like how daylight lingers for longer… I don’t know. I like the in-betweens I think. Autumn is full of all my favourite colours and the climate is easy - not too warm/ not too cold. Same goes with spring, but everything is beginning to bloom or grow back, and it always sparks a little joy in me. Last book you read? Currently reading Hypnobirthing. Practical ways to make your birth better. By Siobhan Miller. I’m almost through it and I genuinely feel a lot more confident, understanding and knowing about birthing a baby. I’ve really loved this book. Before this I was reading for the 3rd time, The Problem of Pain. By C.S Lewis. He is a much loved author and this book changes me. It’s great. Current Podcast Recommendation? My life revolves around preparing for this baby at the moment, ha. My husband and I listened to a podcast called Child from BBC Radio 4. Again, so informative and moving. It was very good. Favourite Spotify playlist? I make a lot of playlists throughout the year as I move through everything I have planned and booked to paint. I did find this one that a good friend actually showed me. It’s called Repose and was created by Ryan Lopes. I’ve listened to this a lot, and added a lot of the music to my ‘liked songs’ to hold onto. |
Giorgia wears the Bonnie Jumper, Yana Top and Alicia Pant. Photographed by Kate Fenton.